The journey of creating begins with a spark from deep within. The artist continues on the loom of life and throughout time a beautiful tapestry takes shape and form from the luscious fibres, brilliant gems and precious pearls we encounter along the way....

I Design for OC Scrapbookers' n More

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Funniest Video - Making Light of a Tense Situation

 Hello Everyone
I just love this You Tube video!  Its hilarious:  it sings the blues all about the MTC program and how Provocraft socked it to developers of MTC.  How us MTC users and owners love this software and think its the best thing since sliced bread.  The song tells the story about MTC (Davey) and Provocraft (Goliath) and how most of us cheer for the little guy!  Done in a lighthearted and fun way!! Very creative and funny!  Give it a listen and comment with your thoughts. I would love to hear what you think of what this creative gal has to sing about... 


  1. That was super funny! Right on the mark! I have SCAL (and Mac) but sure can relate. SCAL is now under fire from Provo. Thanks for sharing!
    Deborah F. from the Sault

  2. Cute video, Kathy, but I don't agree. Unauthorized third party software is a crime.
    Sue S.
